A couple of weeks ago Jennifer Bowen and I did our Create Better Images photography workshops. We had such a great turn out and had a wonderful time getting to know all of our attendees.
We started on Thursday with our Beginners workshop and taught a lot of people who had just gotten new cameras for Christmas how to take them off of the little green box and start shooting to get great pictures. From the feedback we got everyone learned a ton and, although their heads were spinning, they left with some great tips and ways to take better pictures. I didn’t take a ton of pictures of our beginner class because I always forget to actually stop and take pictures, but here is a cute one of all the attendees trying to figure out their cameras.
If you are new to photography and really just want to learn how to use your camera better, our beginners workshop is perfect for you!
Intermediate Workshop
On Saturday we taught our intermediate workshop which is 7 hours of jam packed learning and a hands on photo shoot. We had a great turnout, about 15 attendees, and were able to give hands on learning and training to all of them. We spent the first half of the workshop inside my studio learning about what makes a great picture, how to work with clients, how to get the most out of your clients, and showed them photographs that Jen and I have taken and how we actually accomplished them.
We then headed outside with our models, a cute family and an adorable couple. I stood back and got some fun shots of the attendees. I think everyone was having a great time.
At the end of the night we went back into the studio, pulled out our laptops and talked about Lightroom and post processing.
We had people leaving saying it was the best money they have ever spent… it makes us so happy!
Here are a few shots that I got of the crew and the models!
Thanks to all of our attendees and our great models! What a fun workshop!!
by kimberlyjarman
Gooseberried - Yay! They turned out so nicely! How can I get some of these images?
kimberlyjarman - Hi Karla!!
I’m not yet sure when we will be doing another one. We are going to take a little break first! We will for sure be posting it as soon as we decide though, so keep following this blog and we will let you know!! We’d love to see you there!
Karla - How fun! When will you be holding another beginner workshop?? I can’t wait to go!
Stephanie Flies - How fun?!!! Would have loved to have gone AGAIN! These workshops are the best!