Phoenix Wedding Photographer

Fashion Resolutions 2011

Um…it’s 2011.  Is it just me or was 2008 like… yesterday?  I’m 30?!?!  I swear, time has FLOWN past me lately!  I do really love a new year, though, and I love thinking ahead to what I want to do better. A lot of people make resolutions, and I love the idea of everyone out there all trying to better their situation and lives.  I made a couple goals for this year, mostly involving saving my money and spending less on things like trips to Vegas…and dresses…and trips to the beach…and dinners out….and trips to the east coast….(sounds super lame, I mean, what would my life be without those things????)  I also made a couple of fashion resolutions that I think everyone could join in, and thought I’d share them with my favorite people 🙂 (That’d be you all….)

FR (Fashion Resolution) #1- Try Something New

If you look in my closet, you’re going to see so much black and gray clothing you will assume I’m a funeral director. I honestly only buy black, navy, gray, and white clothing. I buy lots of stripes, tons of jeans, sundresses, and boots. And that’s it. I don’t think I own one red article of clothing (but I have red hair!) For me, stepping out of my fashion zone means buying some more color, and brightening up my wardrobe.  I recently wore a pink-and-gray striped thermal under a purple-and-gray argyle sweater. Yes, I still needed the gray in there, but the pink and purple is SO out of left field for me that I honestly wondered if I looked like a clown all day. You know what though?  I got complimented twice!  I think that since I have red hair and green eyes, I feel like there is already a freakish amount of color happening on my head/face, that to add more to my clothing is just too much, but I’m slowly seeing that this just isn’t true. So try something new in 2011! Are you always in straight-leg jeans?  Try a wide-leg!  Have you always had one length hair?  Cut bangs!  Are you prone to solid colors?  Grab some polka dots and get daring 🙂

Short hair, long hair, Katie changes it up and looks gorgeous!

FR #2- Flaunt It

I used to be hot.  I really did!  Sometimes, I’m hot now, but I think mostly now I’m just tired. I’m bringing back my hotness in 2011.  Tight jeans?  High heels?  Washing my hair more than twice a week?  Done.  2010 was a hard year on our country and I know a LOT of people are feeling pretty beat up for a lot of reasons, and I think one way we can get back on track is to adjust our moods, and for me, when I look good, I feel good.  My eyebrows are getting done, and I’m walking with a swagger.  Dust off that dress you have that your husband loves and buy your jeans a little snug.  This is the year to bring sexy back, I’ve decided.

Reese said in Glamour this month that she used to shy away from appearing sexy, but she’s over that now.  Um…I’d say she made the right choice.

FR #3- Invest Don’t Spend

Here’s what I’m learning in my investment courses: things that last in the long-term will triple their value, things you spend on today won’t.  This can translate to fashion. My one pair of True Religion jeans, even though they were $250, have outlived 5 pairs of $39.50 American Eagle jeans. The TR jeans were a smarter investment.  The black dress I bought sophomore year of college that is STILL perfect for any occasion was a way better investment, as I still wear it ten years later, than the 200 cheapie dresses from Forever 21 I bought since then. This year, I want to work on buying articles of clothing that will: (1) Last (2) Stay in style (3) Really fit.  If it meets all three of these criteria, it’s a great investment piece.  If it’s going to lose it’s shape after one wash, or only looks good with one pair of my pants, it’s just spending.  Invest in your wardrobe, don’t just blow your money on it.

Chanel, the pinnacle of fashion investing, ahhh isn’t she perfect?

FR #4- Be Brave

Be fashion fearless this year. You’re not sure if that dress is too dressy for that party?  Wear it.  You’re not certain those jeans aren’t a bit too sexy?  Wear them.  You aren’t quite sold on how high those heels are?  Wear them.  If you like something, rock it.  I think Lady Gaga has taught us all that fashion rules don’t always exist for a good reason.  I might not love your pants, but I’m lovin’ the way you strut when you put them on! Be brave, 2011.  Our stocks are down, our savings are gone, our morales are low, our relationships are strained….let’s dress up!!!! 🙂

How can this not make you happy?  I love it.  I love all things Gaga. She is definitely not stressing about silly things, she dresses up instead!!!

Make your fashion resolutions or borrow mine, but let’s all focus on the pretty, stylish, sexy, fabulous things in life 🙂 If that doesn’t raise spirits, well I just don’t know what will!


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