Phoenix Wedding Photographer

The Many Faces of Fashionable Ladies

Do you ever stop and think about how complicated it is to be an American woman?  We’re sort of amazing.  About 100 years ago, we were viewed as less-than-a-citizen and couldn’t vote.  About 50 years ago we were placed in one role and one role only: housewife.  About 20 years ago, we were supposed to be both high-powered career moguls while also having a casserole on the table by 6pm while also looking a lot like Cindy Crawford.  About 2 years ago, a woman was running for president.  Women in this country shift and change and morph and become a different breed each decade—while men are still doing the same thing they’ve always done.  (Don’t get me wrong, no one loves men more than I do, but seriously, get a new outfit, dudes.)

What I like most about this Pygmalion-esque  crusade throughout American Womanhood is that it all gets reflected in the clothing.  In the early 1900’s, women were covered from head to toe in styles brought over from Europe and pared down into functioning styles depending on the economic class of the woman.  In the 1950’s, full-skirted, good-girl dresses and perfect lipstick completed the housewife and mother look necessary to convey the womanly profession of the time.  In the 1970-1990’s, women started wearing a lot of men’s style clothing, as we stormed those glass ceilings and fought the equality fight.  And then there’s today:  a slight return to the pretty, the feminine, and the girly which tells me one thing- we’re no longer trying to be viewed the same as men, we’re comfortable being women while expecting the same treatment.  I like this era.  I like the differences between men and women, and I don’t think there’s weakness in it.  I think we hold a lot of upper hands-and as I often have said, “You shouldn’t underestimate the power of pretty.”

This got me thinking about modern women in other areas of the world, and how their lifestyles get reflected in their clothing.  What are they wearing and what does it mean?  So…..let’s check out some world fashion, shall we?


This is a group of women changing a lot right now, as they are moving steadily forward in a women’s liberation from a very heavily male-dominated country where women are traditionally taught to always be subservient.  Very long gone are the days of foot-binding and all the other traditions that haven’t always been especially kind to this gorgeous group of women.  On top of all this change and shifting toward feminine power, Chinese fashion is evolving.  One of the coolest things about Chinese fashion is the constant melding of the traditionally beautiful styles of the culture and the Western influences moving in.  The colors might scream MTV but the silk fabrics and cap sleeve cuts keep in mind the Chinese culture.  Like always, the fashion is reflecting what’s happening.  The women are moving out of some of the traditional roles, and the clothing is too.  One thing that won’t ever change; that glossy hair, that great skin, and those delicate features.  These women are so celebrated for beauty, and they always will be!

I feel empowered just looking at these women!  Gorgeous!


Oh man these women are beautiful.  It’s almost like a national export, The Colombian Woman.  Latin America has always been a great place to showcase and celebrate the female beauty, and this culture is pretty ripe with machismo and rigid traditional roles.  The great thing about these women, though, as Shakira shows us over and over again, is that they celebrate their role!  They don’t shy away from their sensuality, their sexual power, their unrivaled beauty and they fully utilize the power in such things.  While you don’t hear much news on women’s liberation or changes in this area, it’s because for the most part, everyone is happy in their roles.  The average Colombian woman has a job or a family, and is actively being a hot chick as a side job.  What on earth could one complain about that?  Their fashion is always so much fun because it’s skimpy, sexy, bright, and fun—just like the women!  (Sidenote- Google “Colombia Fashion”…it’s ALL bikinis.  What an amazing place.)

Be hotter Colombia, I dare you.


If we’re talking about women of the world fashion, then obviously the only place we really need to discuss is Paris.  The Parisian woman is so effortlessly chic and put together that you could write an entire book on it (and people have, many people have).  The women of Paris are much like American women in their pursuit of careers, education, and success, but the similarities end there.  France, as a country, is much more focused on the pleasures of this world, and the women there are an indulgent, lucky breed.  We have guilt, they have love affairs.  We try to do right, they try to do fun.  They write memoirs, we make scrapbooks.  They strive for beauty, we strive for function.  (I’m so jealous of French women it’s unreal, in case you can’t tell)  The main difference in fashion is that these women own a lot less clothing than we do, but all of it is a lot better.    Whereas I might own 20 fun, cheap sundresses, a Parisian woman is probably going to own 2 absolutely perfect suits that will last her the next 20 years.  The refined Parisian lifestyle and taste is reflected in their gorgeous clothing and sophistication that cannot be copied or taught, you’re just born that way over there, I guess.

Ahhhh Paris fashion, you are never wrong, never old, never less than perfect.


Ok, these women have some interesting lives.  First off, there are actual laws prohibiting women from working “too late” or carrying too heavy of objects in jobs.  You can get temporary contracts allowing you to work after midnight, but this is not the norm.  (I’m all for these laws, even though it’s so anti-feminist of me, but I want some legal reasons why I can’t help my friends move anymore).  Women are doing MUCH better here post-Soviet days, making up half of the employed population, but like most countries, pay is still pretty male-dominated.  These ladies are so tough, though, coming from a country that has been through many wars/upheavals/etc.  They also happen to be sort of goddess-like beautiful!  The climate is freakishly cold, but this doesn’t mean these girls don’t like to dress cute just like we do!  While some traditional “village” garb is still out there (and let’s hope they never lose it, culture is important!) modern day Russian outfits are a lot like modern-day Russian women.  Functional, contemporary, and quite pretty.  Oh, and no one, NO ONE rocks an awesome winter coat like a Russian woman!

I LOVE these looks!  Russia is looking gorgeous on the fashion front these days!

Now obviously, I have left out about a million places, but I think this is a pretty good array of world fashion for today.  Sometimes it’s easy to get a little ethnocentric about being American (because hello, we’re amazing) but I like to learn about our worldly sisters so much.  Fashion is such a universal thing.  I don’t care if you’re Chinese, Israeli, Canadian or from the Bronx, every single woman in the world wakes up and does at least one thing to make herself look a little cuter today.  That’s a world movement I fully support!

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