I received an email from Amina, an amazing wedding coordinator here in Arizona, earlier this year asking me if I was available in November for a wedding. I immediately emailed her and said, absolutely I am, can you tell me more about the wedding and who the Bride is? She emailed right back and said, “no Kim, it’s MY wedding”. I remember reading the email and getting really really excited… for a few different reasons actually. 1) I was so happy for Amina and excited for her wedding 2) I was so honored that she wanted me to be her photographer.
Amina had a lot of great ideas for her and Scott’s engagement session and I was really excited about all of them. We kind of went extreme and did a lot of different things, and it turned out AMAZING! I LOVE all these images and am so happy how they turned out. Scott and Amina were such naturals and did so wonderful! I can’t wait for their wedding coming up soon! It’s going to be amazing!
by Kimberly Jarman